Other Orthodontic Appliances
There are several types of other orthodontic appliances that are used to maintain tooth position, to move teeth, to change the position of the jaws, or to create a more harmonious inter-arch relationship.
Some examples include:
Some examples include:
- Retainer
- Wearing this device keeps the teeth in the same position while the bone is rebuilding after treatment is complete. Your body remodels itself throughout life, so retainers are important to keep your teeth in ideal positioning. Usually, patients should wear these 22 hours per day for the first year after treatment, and nightly thereafter. Retainers can be removable, either made with a wire or clear, or fixed in the mouth.
- Palatal Expander
- This custom-made appliance is used sometimes when the upper jaw is too narrow. It is a metal appliance that creates new bone by widening the upper jaw at the palatal suture. In doing so, it creates room for permanent teeth and makes a broader, more attractive smile. Expansion of the jaw can take weeks to months, and the appliance may need to be activated by a parent with a special key.
- Nance Appliance, Transpalatal Arch, or Lower Lingual Holding Arch
- These appliances are typically used to prevent the movement of molars after baby teeth are taken out.
- Mouthguard
- This is a removable appliance used to protect teeth during athletic activities.
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