Today, more than 20% of orthodontic patients are adults. Just like kids, adult patients can benefit from orthodontic treatment by aligning their teeth and correcting their bites. Healthy teeth can successfully be moved at any age. Dr. Anderson can coordinate with your dentist to determine if you will benefit from orthodontic treatment.
Make Others Notice Your Smile
How is Treatment Different for Adults?
Adults are no longer growing, and their bone is more dense than that of children and teens. These factors can make treatment slightly longer for adults. Additionally, adults sometimes take additional medications, smoke, and have other habits that can impact their oral health and ability to have orthodontic treatment. For this reason, it is important to coordinate orthodontic treatment with your regular dentist and other dental specialists when needed.
“Thank you for making my orthodontic experience pleasant and interesting. I’m very thankful that we chose to go with your office. I’ve enjoyed talking and laughing with you and have always been appreciative of the insight you’ve offered when I’ve discussed something with you. I couldn’t ask for a better orthodontist! My teeth look great. Thank you.”